What Are the Best Business Resources for Young Entrepreneurs?

Many teens are interested in running a business, according to data: 41% have thought about starting a business as a career, and 69% have an idea for a business but don’t know where to start. Here are nine tools that can help young entrepreneurs do their jobs better.

Biz Kids

Biz Kids is a website that grew out of a TV show for kids that taught them about business and money. The site has videos and lesson plans that teach young people how to come up with an idea for a business, market their product, and make money.

When you sign up for the Biz Kids newsletter, you’ll get a free planning guide for your business. Also, kids who want to learn more about budgeting, investing, and making money can sign up for a course in financial literacy. This course will teach them the basics of budgeting, investing, and making money.

Kid Everest

Business Resources for Young Entrepreneurs

Kid Everest is a way for young people to raise money for their businesses. The site started as a school project and has grown into a safe place for teens to look for ways to make money.

Teens can start a crowdfunding campaign or read blog posts and guides on how to find their passion, make SMART goals (goals that are specific, measurable, assignable, realistic, and related to a time frame), and pitch their business idea.


BUILD is a business program for high school students in New York City, Boston, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Washington, D.C. who don’t have many opportunities.

Entrepreneurship 1.0 is a program that lasts a year and helps students learn the skills they need to start their own businesses. Students learn how to come up with a business idea, pitch it to investors, and run a business.

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