Isabella Guzman: Who Is She? What Made Her Stab Her Mother?
In her native state of Colorado, Isabella Guzman grew up. She was sentenced to prison in 2013 for the 150 stabbings of her mother. She had just turned 18 years old. Her TikTok video recently went viral and drew the attention of a large number of people. Others said she was innocent and should be acquitted of the crime she was accused of. Her ‘aesthetic face’ and ‘beautiful looks’ won her a devoted following.
For What Reason Did Isabella Stab Her Mother?
For her purported attack on her mother, Isabella first made headlines. However, a more thorough examination revealed that the victim had over 151 wounds across her body. Investigators discovered that Isabella was different from other children her age. When she was a child, she never showed any happiness or interest in spending time with her family.
They discovered that she had a deep-seated dislike for her mother, to the point of hate. Her parents could not afford to fulfill many of Isabella’s childhood wishes. This could spark a family fight. Despite her parents’ hopes, Isabella remained unconcerned about her family’s financial situation.
After her father’s departure, Isabella began living with her mother. Richard, her mother’s new boyfriend, made things much more difficult for her daughter. Isabella was enraged when she noticed her father had been replaced, which exacerbated the already-existing hostility. She threatened her mother, and that she would “make her pay” for the way she had been abused, it was discovered.
As a result of the threats, Isabella’s mother and boyfriend had even contacted the police.
Isabella’s father tried to calm her down after a fight the night before. Richard had heard Isabella’s mother’s screams coming from the upstairs bathroom on that particular day. Inside, the door was locked from the inside, so he couldn’t get in to help her. As he stood there, he could hear Isabella repeatedly stab his partner.
Isabella is suspected of stabbing her mother in the face, neck, and chest. This is according to reports. Isabella had vanished from the crime site, but undercover officers quickly tracked her down.
Possibly Diagnosed With Schizophrenia
Isabella claimed to the detectives that voices within her head were guiding her. This is generally one of the most apparent signs of Schizophrenia. A spokesperson informed her she had to kill both of her parents to rescue the planet, and she believed it.
The Arapahoe County Court heard testimony from a psychiatrist who diagnosed her with Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia was a long-term problem for her, according to the doctor. She was judged not guilty of the charges because of her insanity, established by the evidence. In Pueblo’s Mental Health Institute, she was admitted at 18.
Do You Think Isabella Is Ready To Be Set Free?
Despite being incarcerated in a mental health facility for more than seven years, Isabella intended to return to society in 2020. Isabella added in an interview with CBS4 that ‘I was not myself when I did that, and I have since been restored to full health’ in the facility.
Additionally, she spoke about her childhood and the people she grew up with during the interview. “I was abused at home by my family for many years,” she stated. The maltreatment at home increased when I left the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ faith when I was 14 years old.’
“If I could change it or take it back,” she remarked of the events that transpired. As far as Isabella is concerned, her health has been restored to its fullest extent following the incident.
Why Is Isabella’s Video So Popular Right Now?
Clips of young alleged criminals and killers are shown on popular songs to pique the interest of Instagram users. When Isabella entered the courtroom, she smiled and then grimaced as she sat down and looked at the camera.
Such videos of alleged offenders have already gone popular before. A video of a “handsome” young man sentenced to 24 years in prison for slamming his Ford Mustang into a mother and her two-year-old daughter went viral. This video has been viewed millions of times. Sadly, both mother and daughter passed away.
Herrin, a youngster, was accused of racing a friend at speeds of more than 100 mph. Family members requested stricter punishment, but the judge agreed to 24 years in jail instead. On Tiktok, the expression on Herrin’s face when he heard the verdict went viral.
It’s no coincidence that all of these videos feature a perpetrator or criminal who has a striking physical appearance and an air of mystique about them. There is a downside to this kind of attention, but it is also a positive aspect.
After ten years in prison for miscarriage, a woman has been released.
A few months ago, a story about a lady in jail for reportedly having an abortion went popular on social media. Miscarriage victim Elsy, a 28-year-old mother and housekeeper, was condemned to prison for allegedly having an abortion. She was convicted of aggravated murder and sentenced to life in prison. El Salvador released Elsy and three other women who had been imprisoned for similar reasons following the recent outcry.
It’s fun to watch videos like these and try to decipher people’s actions and intentions, but don’t lose sight of the fact that these are real people. With the advent of social media, we can now connect with people worldwide and learn about previously inaccessible topics.
However, it’s encouraging to see how social media can be used for positive purposes. Just because someone appears too innocent and cute does not mean they are not capable of doing horrific criminal acts.
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