Raised by Wolves Season 3: Was Anything Shot Before It Was Cancelled?

On September 3, 2020, HBO Max will debut the Aaron Guzikowski-created science fiction drama television series Raised by Wolves. Ridley Scott, who also acts as the show’s executive producer, helmed the first two episodes. Shortly after its launch, the show was given a second season order, and the second season debuted on February 3, 2022.

While the second season has been welcomed with critical acclaim, the first season got generally favourable reviews from reviewers. The show was cancelled in June 2022 after two seasons.

Raised By Wolves season 3: Why was it Cancelled?

According to Digital Spy, HBO has canceled Raised By Wolves after two seasons. The network announced on June 3, 2022, that they had decided to cancel the show. Since the series’ termination, its performers have urged viewers to organise a campaign to keep it alive. Abubaker Salim: “I’m like a method actor, but instead of acting, I write; all I have to do is live in this universe”. Niamh Algar: “Cause praying gets you nowhere”. Other streaming providers (including Prime Video, Peacock, Apple TV, and Netflix) may want to pick it up.

Beyond HBO Max’s termination of the show, there has been no word about Raised By Wolves’ future as of early July 2022.

Raised by Wolves Season 3

Raised by Wolves season 3 Cast: Who Would Have Been in It?

Everyone’s favourite serpent baby was no longer around after that shocking climax, and the same was true of Morgan Santo’s Vrille.

However, there was a long list of cast members who all appeared eager and ready to come back.

This includes:

  • Amanda Collin as Mother/Lamia
  • Abubakar Salim as Father
  • Winta McGrath as Campion
  • Jordan Loughran as Tempest
  • Felix Jamieson as Paul
  • Ethan Hazzard as Hunter
  • Aasiya Shah as Holly
  • Ivy Wong as Vita
  • Matias Varela as Lucius
  • Selina Jones as Grandmother

Although the show’s creator Aaron Guzikowski wouldn’t confirm or refute the rumours, he did say that Travis Fimmel would probably return for the third season. Marcus/Caleb appears to have passed away at the end of season two, however he later reappears floating upside-down in the air above the tree.

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Raised by Wolves season 3 Plot: What Would Have Happened?

Raised By Wolves’ second season ended on a major cliffhanger, leaving a lot of things up in the air.

For Mother or any of her offspring, for that matter, things didn’t look good. By the end of season two, Mother was Grandmother’s prisoner, held captive in a virtual jail, and plans to degrade the kids into something less than human also put the majority of our core group in danger.

Aaron Guzikowski, the show’s creator, was reluctant to reveal anything prior to the cancellation in order to keep things a surprise for fans, despite the fact that there were undoubtedly scripts produced and a plot planned.

However, there are now numerous plot arcs and unanswerable questions. Like, why are there so many tunnels under Kepler-22’s surface and why are Earth and Kepler-22 so connected? Marcus, played by Travis Fimmel, would he really come back as a Jesus-like character in the story? What in the world was happening to Sol?

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Raised by Wolves season 3 Footage: Was Anything Shot Before It Was Cancelled?

There is no prospect of viewing any fresh footage because Raised By Wolves never made it to the third season’s production stage.

Raised by Wolves Season 3

But at least we have the previous two seasons to go over and look for hints of what might have been.

Sky Atlantic and NOW in the UK, as well as HBO Max in the US, each offer Raised By Wolves for viewing.


Raised By Wolves has been cancelled by HBO after two seasons. On June 3, 2022, the network made the decision to axe the programme public. Since the show was cancelled, its actors have urged viewers to start a campaign to save it. It might be added to other streaming services including Prime Video, Peacock, Apple TV, and Netflix. At the conclusion of season 2, “Raised By Wolves” was cancelled, leaving fans wondering what happened to the programme.

The show’s creator, Aaron Guzikowski, was hesitant to disclose anything before the cancellation in order to keep things a surprise for viewers. There are now several plot lines and open questions. Raised by Wolves is accessible to watch on Sky Atlantic, NOW, and HBO Max in the UK, as well as on HBO in the US.

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